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天空pe and 天空. Too similar, rules court

原标题:天空pe and 天空. Too similar, rules court

Here we go again. Another battle between 天空 and Microsoft and, after a lengthy case, the court has agreed with 天空.

什么’是问题吗?好吧,以某种方式 would seem that 天空pe ..

… could be mistaken for 天空..

这不是’t the first time that 天空 have thrown their weight around. A couple of years ago they forced Microsoft to change the name of 天空Drive to OneDrive because it could be confused with a 天空 TV / broadband / phone / cloud product.

现在,欧盟法院已裁定微软’s 天空pe与Sky太相似,这将阻止Microsoft注册名称和气泡徽标的商标。微软当然会提出上诉,但法官表示,Skype泡泡可以解释为云…..和云..在..在…. the… 天空..

[此]将进一步增加元素的可能性‘Sky’被单词元素识别‘Skype’,因为要找到云‘in the 天空’因此可以很容易地与单词‘sky’.

Microsoft have no plans to rename 天空pe, as the case is only concerned with the registration of a trademark.




天空pe and 天空. Too similar, rules court